*A new season at TMCC*
The Membership products for 2025 are now in the Pitchero shop and available to purchase, please go ahead and buy the correct product for yourself/your child and ensure it's applied to the correct member. So that we can plan adequately, please purchase your membership as soon as you can.
We have kept our membership fees at 2024 level, Membership fees must be paid ahead of training or playing fixtures.
A reminder, Match fees for Senior fixtures must be paid within 5 Days of any played fixture, unless agreed otherwise with a committee member. Due to the financial and administrative impact of chasing late fees, there is a strict "no pay, no play" rule.
Adult - £125
Social - £80
Match Fees - £20 / T20 £10
Student/Junior Match Fees playing senior matches - Half Price of an Adult.
We also do not want anyone to miss out on cricket due to financial hardship and so please do not hesitate to talk with us if you would like to explore the possibility of a bursary or instalment payments.
If you are aware of anyone outside of the club that wishes to signup as a social member or player this year, please do send them our membership signup link. https://www.pitchero.com/clubs/totteridgemillhillianscricketclub2/signup
please ensure that you update the information on your Pitchero profile, so that we have the most up to date information. This is required for our league and compliance reasons, so please ensure this is done before the season.
As was the case last year, all players in League Cricket, additionally need to have a "playcricket" profile and be a member of TMCC so that correct roles and match reports can be linked.
any questions or issues, please send an email to - membership@tmcc.london
thanks and here's to a great 2025 Season together!
TMCC Senior Membership.